about me


My name is Denise, I’m 30 years old and currently living in Giessen, Germany. I studied arts and literature and have since then been working at an artschool alongside of running my own small business.

The kids’ outlook on life and their interaction with art is fascinating to me. After university I started to persue my own artistic career and focussed solely on finding my own expression through art. Thats when I first started sharing my process online with a 100 day project in 2019 and right after that I opened my online shop.

During that time I found a love for painting floral scenes and the nature that surrounds me. I’ve been going on a lot of walks and trips and with that collecting photographs to later be translated into paintings. With only using my own photographs it makes every painting truly my own creation.

You can find inspiration everywhere, sometimes by simply looking up.

Painting has always been a way out for me to feel calm and to give me a sense of hope and harmony. I hope to portray exactly that with my artwork and make the viewer remember cherished moments or dream of beautiful places.